[出典] REVIEW "Advances in base editing with an emphasis on an AAV-based strategy" Kuang J, Lyu Q, Wang J, Cui Y, Zhao J. Methods. 2021-03-24. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ymeth.2021.03.015
- はじめに
- BEsの構成と作用機序. [Figure 1. In vivo C-to-T conversion mediated by the reconstituted full-length CBE. https://ars.els-cdn.com/content/image/1-s2.0-S104620232100089X-gr1_lrg.jpg]
- デアミナーゼ変異体に依存する編集効率と編集活性を示すウインドウ幅. [Figure 2. The architecture of CBE. https://ars.els-cdn.com/content/image/1-s2.0-S104620232100089X-gr2_lrg.jpg]
- CBEs活性のデアミナーゼ発現への依存性とABE活性のデアミナーゼ依存性. [Figure 3. The architecture of ABE. https://ars.els-cdn.com/content/image/1-s2.0-S104620232100089X-gr3_lrg.jpg]
- Casドメインが編集効率と標的可能範囲に及ぼす作用. Table 1. Diverse Cas variants for base editors’ application
- ウラシルグリコシラーゼの阻害 (UGI)がオンターゲット活性を改善する
- リンカーの長さの最適化. Table 2. Factors influencing the efficiency of base editors
- AAVを介した効率的デリバリー法split-AAV CBE/ABE. [Figure 4. Intein reconstitution strategy & constructs of split CBE. https://ars.els-cdn.com/content/image/1-s2.0-S104620232100089X-gr4_lrg.jpg; Figure 5. Retro-orbital injection of AAV in mouse and in vivo base editing. https://ars.els-cdn.com/content/image/1-s2.0-S104620232100089X-gr5_lrg.jpg] [*]
- 課題と将来展望 - 編集効率と標的特異性の向上,小型化,非ウイルスベクターによるデリバリーなど
- おわりに
[*] crisp_bio 2020-01-16 CBEまたはABEを2分割することで、AAVsによるマウス各臓器へのデリバリーを実現. https://crisp-bio.blog.jp/archives/21583106.html