[出典] REVIEW "Predicting Mutations Generated by Cas9, Base Editing, and Prime Editing in Mammalian Cells" Weller J, Pallaseni A, Koeppel J, Parts L. CRISPR J. 2023-06-20. https://doi.org/10.1089/crispr.2023.0016 [著者所属] Wellcome Sanger Institute


Introduction: Creating, Measuring, and Predicting Mutations
 CRISPR-Cas DNA editing toolkit and repair of resulting lesions
 Large-scale data for learning the rules of mutation generation
 Machine learning principles of prediction
Mutations from Double-Stranded Breaks
 Reproducible outcomes and their sequence biases
 Computational tools
 Alternative break structures and structural variants
Base Edits
 Sequence preferences and editing window
 Prediction tools
 Other types of editors and editing outcomes
Prime Editing
 Determinants of prime editing efficacy
 Computational tools for outcome prediction
 Remaining challenges for predicting prime editing outcomes

FIG. 1. CRISPR-Cas DNA editors, the lesions they generate, the main pathways that repair these, and the mutations this can lead to.
FIG. 2. A self-targeting screen to collect many mutation profiles from a single experiment. 
FIG. 3. Criteria for evaluating a mutation outcome prediction model. 
FIG. 4. Cas9 editing outcome observations, sequence determinants, and prediction tools. 
FIG. 5. Base editing outcome frequencies and determinants. 
FIG. 6. Prime editing outcome determinants and prediction tools.
Table 1. Self-targeting library delivery modalities with their advantages and drawbacks
Table 2. Tools to predict mutation outcomes in mammalian cells